What is Herbal Medicine?

Chinese Herbal Medicine is a powerful branch of Chinese medicine in which we use herbs to help you achieve your health goals. 

When you meet with a herbal medicine practitioner, you will share your health concerns with your practitioner. Your practitioner will come up with an herbal formula that will help you with your concerns. You will receive some combination of herbal powders that you can mix with water, herbal teas, small tea pills or foot soaks. 

What conditions can herbal medicine help with?

In many cases herbal medicine can be more effective than acupuncture. With herbal medicine you have a powerful toolkit of herbs in your hands that you can use every day to help you reach your health and wellness goals. 

In general, we can use herbal medicine to help with headaches, infertility, digestive issues, menstrual irregularities, pain, anxiety, sleep issues, and more. 

How long does it take to see results?

You will need to talk to your practitioner about your particular case, however in general you can expect to feel a significant improvement after the first month. In order to see lasting improvement, you should plan on taking herbal medicine for at least four months. 

Where do your herbal medicines come from?

We source our herbs from companies that adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices. Some of the herbs are wildcrafted and hand crafted by local peoples. When you purchase these herbs you also help the people in remote regions of China and Tibet to maintain their traditions and customs related to the harvest and cultivation of herbal medicine.